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Home Download Figures to download Trigonometry

Figures for teaching trigonometry

modification Saturday 9 May 2018.

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

You can download these figures underneath :

Figures for teaching trigonometry

All the figures are free of use under cc by sa licence.

Remarquable cosine and sine values
Winding a line around the trigonometric circle
Measures of an oriented angle
Point on trigo circle by polar angle
Sign of cosine and sine functions
Curve of cosine function
Curve of sine function
Associated angles
Trigonometric equations

Cosine and sine of remarquable angles
Click on the buttons to change the angle

Winding a line around the trigonometric circle

Measures of an oriented angle

Point on trigo circle by polar angle

Sign of cosine and sine functions

Curve of cosine function

Curve of sine function

Associated angles

Trigonometric equations

You can change the formula for m on the figure (for instance use sqrt(3)/2)

You can change the formula for m on the figure (for instance use sqrt(3)/2)