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Version n° 4.9.9 de MathGraph32 adds new features :
– It is now possible to name points and lines on the fly.
When a point or a line is created, a little editor appears on then figure allowing to enter the name. Of course it remains optional to name points and lines. Press escape key or dos omething else to make the editor disappear.
– It is now possible to move a name with the capture tool (press Ctrl key to avod moving an object instead of a name).
– the figure protocol displays now all the created objects in a list ( keybord shorcut F5) After pressing F5 key or clicking on icon , a dialog box pops up.
This dialog box displays all the created objects in a list (graphical and numerical objects ).
This dialog box also allows the user to reclassify an object relatively to another one.
Before this dialog box popping up, all the points and lines without names are given a temporary name so that every object can be fully described.
The left arrows allow to navigate through the list.
The selected object, if graphical, blinks in the figure as well as the objects it was created through.
: Reclassify the selected object of one step towards the beginning of the list. If necessary, objects it is depending on will also be reclassified.
: Reclassify the selected object of one step towards the end of the list. If necessary, objects idepending on it will also be reclassified.
: Reclassify the selected object towards the beginning of the list, as far as possible.
: Reclassify the selected object towards the end of the list, as far as possible..
Other icons :
: Delete the selected object as well as depending objects.
: Delete the selected object as well as all the following objects.
:Mask the selected object if it was visible.
: Unmask the selected object if it was invisible.
: Allows modifying the selected object, if this object was created through a dialog box, which is the case for all numerical objects.
The check boxes :
– Intermediary objects : If checked, intermediary objects will be added to the list. Unchecked by default.
– Partial display : If checked, the objects will be displayed only until the selected object. Checked by default.
– Masked objects visible : If checked, masked objects will be visible. Unchecked by default.
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