Logiciel libre de géométrie, d'analyse et de simulation multiplateforme par Yves Biton

Accueil Téléchargements Versions

Download of MathGraph32 version 8.2

modification mardi 23 novembre 2019.

Toutes les versions de cet article : [English] [Español] [français]

This program received 2 awards

This program received 1 award
Software Informer Editor's pick award

MathGraph32 is now only available in JavaScript version. JavaScript version is no longer be supported.

JavaScript version presents all the functionnalities of Java version, with even some more features and a better ergonomy.

Predefined contructions are no longuer available in the software but you can download them below.

Constructions for JavaScript version of MathGraph32

Mathgraph32 is free under GNU GPL 3 licence.

JavaScript version installable under Windows

These versions will install MathGraph32JS on your Windows computer ans associate .mgj files with this version.

Windows 64 bits Install
MathGraph32 JS version 8.2.2 (64 bits)
Windows 32 bits Install
MathGraph32 JS version 8.2.2 (32 bits)
Windows arm-64 bits Install
SetUp MathGraph32 V 8.2.2 64 bits for Arm-64
Silent install of version 64 bits
Silent Windows 64 Installer version 8.2.2
Use in a line command with command line /SILENT (for a dialog of install progress) or /VERYSILENT (for no install progress dialog bar)

Mac OS JavaScript version

MathGraph32 JS 8.2.0 MacOS Version

Local JavaScript Windows version (For use on USB key)

Windows version 64 bits
MathGraph32 JS version 8.2.2 (version 64 bits non installable)
Windows version 32 bits
MathGraph32 JS version 8.2.2 (version 32 bits non installable)
Windows version Arm-64
MathGraph32 8.2.2 for Windows Arm-64 (Version non installable)

JavaScript version forLinux

If a double click on the MathGraph32JS file doesn’t start the application, open a terminal in the directory containing the application et type ./MathGraph32JS

Linux 64 bits version
MathGraph32 JS version 8.2.2 pour Linux 64 bits
Linux version for processor arm64
MathGraph32 JS version 8.2.2 Linux Arm 64
Linux version for processor armv7l
MathGraph32 JS version 8.2.2 Linux armv7l

MathGraph32 PDF Help File

In MathGraph32, press F1 key to get Help on the software.

You can also download MathGraph32 Help File in PDF beside :
MathGraph32 Help 7.9.8 in PDF

Local version of MathGraph32 JavaScript

MathGraph32 7.9.0 Version JavaScript locale utilisable sur périphérique mobile
This version is also usable on a mobile device.

Uncompress the zip file, then lauch with your prefered browser :

- start_Level1.html : For an elementary level use.

- start_Level2.html : For a mid-level use.

- start_Level3.html : For an advanced level without complex numbers calculation.

- start_Level4.html : For an advanced level with complex numbers calculation.

For a better fluidity, use Chrome browser.
Icones de MathGraph32
MathGraph32 Icons

JavaScript Version

Lecteur JavaScript V6.3.4
Bibiothèque JavaScript allowing displaying MathGraph32 figures in html pages. This library is under license GNU AGPL version 3 or higher.

MathGraph32Java V4.9.9 Version MacOS

MathGraph32 Jar Executable V5.4.1

Applet MathGraph32 V5.4.1

MathGraph32 Java Version 5.4.1 Installation Windows

MathGraph32 JS version 7.9.2 Linux 32 bits