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We shall note here T=TABC.
1. Let us first demonstrate that the image through T=TABC of plane E is included in the interior of a triangle
Le’s study the restriction of T to the circumscribed circle of triangle ABC.
$\Gamma$ stands for the circumscribed circle to triangle ABC.
We will use the usual notations in ABC : AB = c, BC = a, CA = b etc..
M being a some point of plane E, we consider the barycenter M’ of points (A,MA), (B,MB) et (C, MC), so M’ = T(M).
First we notice that if M=A, then M=A’ =TBC (A) where A’ is the barycenter of (B, AB) and (C, AC) (since MA = 0) and that, if M=B then M’=B’=TCA(B) where B’ is the barycenter of (C, BC) et (A, BA).
We will demonstrate that, if M belongs to the circle arc of $\Gamma$ with summits A and B which does’nt contain C, with M$\ne$A and M$\ne$B then M’ belongs to segment ]A’B’[.
A’ = bar (B, c) ; (C ; b). So, for each point N, $c\overrightarrow {NB} + n\overrightarrow {NC} = \left( b + c \right)\overrightarrow {NA’} $ .
In the same way :
$a\overrightarrow {NC} + c\overrightarrow {NA} = \left( c + a \right)\overrightarrow {NB’} $ (1).
and $b\overrightarrow {NA} + a\overrightarrow {NB} = \left( b + a \right)\overrightarrow {NC’} $ (2).
Replacing N with A’ in(1),we get :$c\overrightarrow {AB} + b\overrightarrow {AC} = \left( {b + c} \right)\overrightarrow {AA’} $.
Replacing N with A in (2) we get : $\overrightarrow {AC} = \frac{c + a}{a}\overrightarrow {AB’} $.
Replacing N with A in (3) we get : $\overrightarrow {AB} = \frac{b + c}{a}\overrightarrow {AC’} $.
Finally : $\frac{c\left( b + a \right)}{a}\overrightarrow {AC’} + \frac{b\left( c + a \right)}{a}\overrightarrow {AB’} = \left( b + c \right)\overrightarrow {AA’} $.
Or : $ - a\left( b + c \right)\overrightarrow {AA’} + b\left( c + a \right)\overrightarrow {AB’} + c\left( b + a \right)\overrightarrow {AC’} = \overrightarrow 0 $.
So $A = bar\left\{ {\left( {A’ ; - a\left( b + c \right)} \right) ;\left( {B’ ;b\left( c + a \right)} \right) ;\left( {C’ ;c\left( b + a \right)} \right)} \right\}$ (Sum of coefficients 2bc).
Or $A=bar\left\{ \left( A’ ;-a^2\left( b+c \right) \right) ;\left( B’ ;ab\left( c+a \right) \right) ;\left( C’ ;ac\left( b+a \right) \right) \right\}$(sum of coefficients 2abc).
In the same way :
$B=bar\left\{ \left( B’ ;-b^2\left( c+a \right) \right) ;\left( C’ ;bc\left( a+b \right) \right) ;\left( A’ ;ba\left( c+b \right) \right) \right\}$(Sum of coefficients 2abc).
et $C=bar\left\{ \left( C’ ;-c^2\left( a+b \right) ;\left( A’ ;ca\left( b+c \right) \right) \right) ;\left( B’ ;cb\left( a+c \right) \right) \right\}$(Sum of coefficients 2abc).
If M’ = T(M), according to homogeneity property of barycenters , M’ is the barycenter of (A ;2abcMA), (B,2abcMB) and (C,2abcMC) then,using the property of partial barycenters, we get :
M’ = bar {(A’, $a\left( {b + c} \right)\left( { - a{\text{MA}} + b{\text{MB}} + c{\text{MC}}} \right)$ ) ;(B’,$b\left( {c + a} \right)\left( - b{\text{MB}} + c{\text{MC}} + a{\text{MA}} \right)$) ;(C’,$c\left( {a + b} \right)\left( { - c{\text{MC}} + a{\text{MA}} + b{\text{MB}}} \right)$)}.
The Ptomemy’s theorem (proposition 1.2) shows that the three coeffcients are positive or null,which proves that M’ is inside triangle A’B’C ’ is on one of the edge segments of the triangle if, and only if, one of the three coefficients is null, which, still from Ptolemy’s theorem, is equivalent to say that M lies on one of the three circle arcs.
Fo instance, point M will belong to segment [B’C’]if, and only if : $ - a{MA} + b{MB} + c{MC} = 0 \Leftrightarrow {AB} \times {MC} = {BC} \times {MA} + {AB} \times {MC}$ which, from Ptolemy’s theorem, is equivalent to say that M belongs to the circumscribed circle of ABC ant that the quadrangle ABMC is convex, which is equivalent to say that M lies on the circle arc of $\Gamma$ with summits B and C that does’nt contain A. The figure on the right illustrates this property : |
Proposition 4.1 :The image through TABC of a some point M of plane E is a point M’ inside triangle A’B’C ’, M’ being on the edges of A’B’C ’ if, and only if, point M is on the circumscribed circle of ABC.
Let us notice that A’ = TBC(A) may be constructed in a geometrical way as we already explained, as well as B’=TCA (B). Their construction is omitted on the following figure for more legibility.
Let us construct P = TAB(M) with the method exposed before with two points. According to the partiel barycenter theorem, M’ is also barycenter of (P ; MA+MB) and (C ; MC).So M’ belongs to line (CP). Therefore it is the intersection point between line (CP) with line (A’B’). |
Bijectivity of T restricted to the arc of summits A et B which does’nt contain C.
The study made for the two points case proves that in two distincts points M of the arc with summits A and B not containing C correspond two distinct points P=TAB(M) and therefore two distinct points M’ distincts on segment [A’B’]. So T is injective on this circle arc.
M’ is a point of segment [A’B’], distinct from A’ and B’. Let us call P the intersection point of line (CM’) with segment [AB]. Let us construct P’, symmetric point of P through I, midpoint of [